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Sulbutiamine (New Star Nootropics)

PostPosted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 9:14 pm
by PaliGap
My interest in nootropics has been resparked lately. Other than Piracetam I don't have much experience with them yet though. So I ordered a few and I tried Sulbutiamine first, because the documented effects of this got me interested: moodlift, euphoria, energy, memory improvement, antidepressive/antifear/antishyness qualities.

I took 201 mg in a bit of coffee. It masked the (pretty nasty) taste very well. I was definitely noticing things after the 30 minute mark. I felt distinctly uplifted and caffeinated (I had some coffee and it felt enhanced). I also was sharper and wittier. My eyes tended to drift slightly out of focus though. I was feeling kind of superior, not to others but to my regular self. Don't know if it was the coffee or the Sul, but I noticed some diuretic effect. And improved sense of smell. And less coughing (remnants from a recent flu).
Well, colour me impressed; I went for an errand and I was so much merrier and outgoing instead of more towards grumpy and introverted. My mind seemed very clear, yet, by lack of a better description, occupied at the same time (I almost forgot to take a cart in the store).
Some long duration (at least 12 hours). I'm not sure if the slow decline started around T+8, if there ever was one, it started about then. This material is actually pretty wonderful. It definitely touches dopamine in some way (it apparently 'traps' it). Pretty good for a vitamin B1 derivative. Hail to the Japanese.

Re: Sulbutiamine (New Star Nootropics)

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 9:13 pm
by Cymatix
Very interesting, I may have to give that a chance, if sounds as if it has potential. I would really like to see studies with these done on Alzheimer patients, or perhaps even autistic patients..

Have you tried oxiracetam? I very much like it, another euphoric, sharp/witty, stimulating nootropic..

Re: Sulbutiamine (New Star Nootropics)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:43 pm
by PaliGap
Yeah, more studies should be done with these nootropics, although there are plenty to find (of which also plenty are not that interesting unfortunately). There are possible benefits for Alzheimer, Parkinson's, post stroke and perhaps, like you said, autism conditions (beside the memory/mood/motivation/focus applications). Studies on Piracetam however showed that benefits in this regard were 'inconclusive', after first being regarded as almost some sort of miracle drug.
But every nootropic, vitamin analogue etc. is different and I too believe that there could be some amazing health benefits right around the corner. And what doesn't seem to work for one, could do wonders for another; this seems especially true with nootropics. It's an interesting field, to say the least.

I have tried Oxiracetam once. I need more trials with it, but I remember being not overly impressed. Sulbutiamine was way less subtle. I have also tried Piracetam and Noopept in the past, being on par with the Oxiracetam in terms of strength/subtlety. And Phenylpiracetam, which I found the most interesting one in terms of energy & sports. I have some Pramiracetam lying around as well, that I have yet to try. Aniracetam is also on my wishlist. Have you tried any of these?

Re: Sulbutiamine (New Star Nootropics)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:23 am
by Cymatix
I believe that until medicine is taken as a holistic doctrine, as in taking to account factors of mind, body and spirit, or a person's past/present/future thoughts emotions and actions as well as the materialistic medicine combined, it will be increasingly difficult for certain credibility of natural and unorthodox medication considering everone's physiological chemistry Is so different.

Did you happen to hear about ambien? How some patients with severe brain damage who couldn't even speak normally, on ambien, their brain function and cognition enhanced to almost pre-damaged condition? (sorry random, but it does make me think how drugs like these, for enhancing perception and brain function are to become vital necessities in the future)..

And no, sorry, I have not tried any other nootropics aside from Ritalin which is more of a stimulant, but, I think I will try Sulbutiamine next, did you have any effects noticeable with brain work, like school studies or crunching numbers or writing? It may be my next noo to try..