Supremely Extracted Thai / SET (Divine Shaman)

Supremely Extracted Thai / SET (Divine Shaman)

Postby PaliGap » Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:08 pm

First of all, I have to say that I'm an enlightened former extract enthousiast. I used to take UEI and Gold Reserve almost exclusively, but a few years ago I switched to plain leaf and haven't even looked back since. This means I'm somewhat biased towards extracts these days (especially when they are named like the one reviewed here). I do have some stuff from the past lying around though (I got samples from the Supremely Extracted products range for example), for ultra rare occasions only. I decided that yesterday was such an occasion. Because I never had a chance to try the SE range, it would be my choice of the day. The vendor claims that this is a 100% organic product and that no chemical solvents have been used in the extraction process. I have no idea if this is a legitimate claim.
I partially chewed and partially drunk in a shot glass of fruit juice 252 mg of the SET. It's just too gross to eat like that and it also doesn't dissolve that well in a cold drink, so I'd better cap this stuff next time. It is bitter and filmy and numbs the mouth, lips and tongue a lot, even more so than Kava. Onset 25-30 minutes. It was too big a dose for my liking, I even got a little nauseated (recommended dosage is 100-200 mg). It warmed my head and body. No real euphoria either, maybe even a little bit dysphoria. It was sedating and relaxing though. I so much prefer plain leaf (even UEI would be better considering the price-quality ratio). If there's going to be a next time, I'd start with 100-150 mg or just use a couple of mg to spice up a regular plain leaf session.
For me, it's not worth the money, not by a long shot. Your mileage may vary though, by a long shot.
Give us a point to miss... Endings are killing me slow
I only ask for this... Emptiness replace my soul

- John Frusciante
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