Chinaski's Laudatom

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Chinaski's Laudatom

Postby Chinaski » Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:25 pm

I've been meaning to post this for a while and, before that, been meaning to actually make some sort of Laudanum-like brew out of Kratom and other natural, legal ingredients. Now that I had some time, I made it and thought I'd share. The result is pretty much an eye closer, so those who are looking for something on the up side better skip this.
I made it from Kratom, obviously, and other materials I had lying around at the time, of which I knew they (could) work well together. This is my first 'Laudatom' trial. The next time I make it, the ingredients could be slightly different, depending on what I have. So if anyone plans to reproduce this recipe, don't be afraid to experiment and do it a bit differently, because I'm sure it can be improved. This is what I did:

Day 1:
I put 70 g RVB (Bikhuk) and 5 g UEI (Divine Shaman) in a container. This is about 10 good doses, for 10 doses of Laudatom. I think a little more shouldn't hurt, because some will eventually get lost in the process.
I added about 300 ml Absinth (60% / 120 proof) and shook it like a madman.

Day 2 - Day 30:
Shake your thang... do whatchawannado... as long as you shake it well at least one time per day.

Day 30:
I tried to strain it through a muslin bag... this is some serious MUD I tell you... it would have been easier to have used coarsly crushed Kratom leaf instead of powder. Anyway, I strained it as well as I could into another container. I then put the pulp, which resembled used espresso coffee, back into the original container.
I boiled a small amount of water and added it to the pulp to get the final bits out of it. I left it for 10 minutes, then sieved it through a tea strainer, added it to the already strained alcohol extract and left it for a few hours.

I put 70 g Mulungu in a pan, I boiled 1000 ml water, added it to the pan, put the pan on a low simmer and left it with the lid on for 30 minutes. I then added 7 tablespoons of dried passion flower and 371 mg of 100x Blue Lotus resin (it was old and I have no idea if it was Nymphaea or Nelumbo), turned off the heat, got the lid off, added 10-15 drops of concentrated lemon juice and left it for 2 hours.
After that I sieved it through a tea strainer into a measuring cup and put it back into the pan with the heat on.

The alcohol extract was approximately 220 ml, I wanted the total end result for the Laudatom to be 300 ml (10 shots of 30 ml), the Mulungu mixture was 500 ml, so I put the latter on a low simmer for 3.5 hours until there was only 100 ml left. I then added it to the alcohol extract (away from the fire - it may be redundant, but I should warn anyone about high proof alcohol and open fire, the fumes WILL ignite/blow, so better be careful than sorry).

A 100 drops of oat (Avena Sativa) alcoholic tincture were added to the Laudatom alcohol mixture. This, by the way, contains magnesium and zinc (potentiators) and has tranquilizing properties.
A 100 drops of hop (Humulus Lupulus) alcoholic tincture were added (this has calming, as well as stomach strengthening and conserving properties).
A 100 drops of California Poppy (Eschscholzia Californica) alcoholic tincture were added (for its sedative effects).
15 ml of Skullcap (Scutellaria Lateriflora) alcoholic tincture was added (has sedative, anxiolytic, moodlifting and muscle relaxing - and possibly even analgesic - properties).
A 100 drops of Cayenne pepper (Capsicum Annuum) alcoholic tincture were added (has analgesic, conserving, detoxing and vasodilating properties and is a great Kratom potentiator).

I then took a funnel, put a muslin bag in it and filtered the whole thing into a 300 ml amber bottle. As a final touch I added 301 mg Pink Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera) 50x powder extract and a little over 10 drops of Stevia glycerine. Into the fridge and ready.

It's absolutely gross and disgusting, but it is only one little shot glass at a time. It's a matter of shaking the bottle, pooring and swallowing, so it doesn't get any faster than that. I'm not sure yet if it is worth all the trouble of making though, but I like to believe that it has more to offer than just any of the parts alone or even the sum of them.
Does it come close to the real Laudanum? I haven't got the slightest clue, because I've never tried that (good luck getting your hands on that), but with all legal and natural ingredients - without the Papaver Somniferum - I think it comes as close as it can. Not that it isn't open to some fine tuning... Suggestions are welcome and if I find ways to improve it, I will add them here.

"You have to die a few times before you can really live." - CB
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