Mindanao Green (Kratom.eu)

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Mindanao Green (Kratom.eu)

Postby PaliGap » Wed Nov 02, 2016 11:10 am

This Kratom originates from the Philippines, from the island (group) Mindanao to be specific. I never had a lady Speciosa from that country before. And wow. I had just mediocre expectations, because, if I remember correctly, a few years ago I read about a Kratom strain from the Philippines turning out to be a total dud (something with an L, maybe Luzon?). However, I was pleasantly surprised with this one. First and foremost: it is a green, but it has a distinct red character! It is the most sedating green I've ever tried. Either the Mitragyna harvesters from there are partially colour blind - like I am myself - or they are not, in which case I'm extremely curious about any Mindanao Red...
And, furthermore, I really like it. It's a bit like the result of a jungly love affair between a hot Red Vein Borneo lady and a cool Green Malay gentleman, where the offspring is a redhead like its mother. Different than just mixing some RVB and GM yourself though. With 7 grams the onset is about 25 - 30 minutes. It gave me a slightly warm head, in a pleasant way. Sedation and relaxation stand out, euphoria followed with a 4+. Very longgg legs, too. As I wrote before, I really like this one, it barges right into my all time favourites top ten. Maybe I'm just a sucker for novelty strains... but this one's very good. Too bad about priceyness and availability. I might order more, regardless.

Analgesia 4/5
Energy 2/5
Sedation 5/5
Relaxation 5/5
Euphoria 4/5
Moodlift 4/5
Bodyload 4/5
Headactivity 2/5
Allroundness 3/5
Strength 5/5
Duration 5/5
Overall 5/5
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